
Opening up storage for all


libStorage provides a vendor agnostic storage orchestration model, API, and reference client and server implementations. It focuses on being a portable storage driver framework that brings external storage functionality to any platform or application.


The project has some very unique qualities that make it perfect for embedding in upstream projects to centralize external storage functionality.


Today libStorage supports the following volume management features.

The operations for Snapshots and Storage Pools is planned for future releases.

Getting Started

Using libStorage can be broken down into several, distinct steps:

  1. Configuring libStorage
  2. Understanding the API
  3. Identifying a production server and client implementation, such as REX-Ray

Getting Help

To get help with libStorage, please use the discussion group, GitHub issues, or tagging questions with EMC at StackOverflow.

The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.