Configuring libStorage

Tweak this, turn that, peek behind the curtain...


This page reviews how to configure libStorage to suit any environment, beginning with the the most common use cases, exploring recommended guidelines, and finally, delving into the details of more advanced settings.

Client/Server Configuration

Except when specified otherwise, the configuration examples below assume the libStorage client and server exist on the same host. However, that is not at all a requirement. It is fully possible, and in fact the entire purpose of libStorage, that the client and server be able to function on different systems. One libStorage server should be able to support hundreds of clients. Yet for the sake of completeness, the examples below show both configurations merged.

When configuring a libStorage client and server for different systems, there will be a few differences from the examples below:

Basic Configuration

This section outlines the most common configuration scenarios encountered by libStorage's users.


The first example is a simple libStorage configuration with the VirtualBox storage driver. The below example omits the host property, but the configuration is still valid. If the property is not found, the server is hosted via a temporary UNIX socket file in /var/run/libstorage.


Please remember to replace the placeholders in the following examples with values valid for the systems on which the examples are executed.

The example below specifies the volumePath property as $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes. While the text $HOME will be replaced with the actual value for that environment variable at runtime, the path may still be invalid. The volumePath property should reflect a path on the system on which the VirtualBox server is running, and that is not always the same system on which the libStorage server is running.

So please, make sure to update the volumePath property for the VirtualBox driver to a path valid on the system on which the VirtualBox server is running.

The same goes for VirtualBox property endpoint as the VirtualBox web service is not always available at

        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA


The following example illustrates how to configure a libStorage client and server running on the same host. The server has one endpoint on which it is accessible - a single TCP port, 7979, bound to the localhost network interface.

  host: tcp://
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA


The following example illustrates how to configure a libStorage client and server running on the same host. The server has one endpoint on which it is accessible - a single TCP port, 7979, bound to all of the host's network interfaces. This means that the server is accessible via external clients, not just those running on the same host.

Because of the public nature of this libStorage server, it is a good idea to encrypt communications between client and server.

  host: tcp://
      certFile: $HOME/.libstorage/libstorage-client.crt
      keyFile: $HOME/.libstorage/libstorage-client.key
      trustedCertsFile: $HOME/.libstorage/trusted-certs.crt
      certFile: /etc/libstorage/libstorage-server.crt
      keyFile: /etc/libstorage/libstorage-server.key
      trustedCertsFile: /etc/libstorage/trusted-certs.crt
      clientCertRequired: true
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA

Please note that in the above example the property libstorage.client has been introduced. This property is always present, even if not explicitly specified. It exists to override libStorage properties for the client only, such as TLS settings, logging, etc.

UNIX Socket

For the security conscious, there is no safer way to run a client/server setup on a single system than the option to use a UNIX socket. The socket offloads authentication and relies on the file system file access to ensure authorized users can use the libStorage API.

  host: unix:///var/run/libstorage/localhost.sock
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA

It is possible to apply TLS to the UNIX socket. Refer to the TCP+TLS section for applying TLS to the UNIX sockets.

Multiple Endpoints

There may be occasions when it is desirable to provide multiple ingress vectors for the libStorage API. In these situations, configuring multiple endpoints is the solution. The below example illustrates how to configure three endpoints:

endpoint protocol address tls localhost only
sock unix socket /var/run/libstorage/localhost.sock no yes
private tcp no yes
public tcp *:7980 yes no
  host: unix:///var/run/libstorage/localhost.sock
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA
        address: unix:///var/run/libstorage/localhost.sock
        address: tcp://
        address: tcp://:7980
          certFile: /etc/libstorage/libstorage-server.crt
          keyFile: /etc/libstorage/libstorage-server.key
          trustedCertsFile: /etc/libstorage/trusted-certs.crt
          clientCertRequired: true

With all three endpoints defined explicitly in the above example, why leave the property in the configuration at all? When there are no endpoints defined, the libStorage server will attempt to create a default endpoint using the value from the property However, even when there's at least one explicitly defined endpoint, the property still serves a very important function -- it is the property used by the libStorage client to determine which to which endpoint to connect.

Multiple Services

All of the previous examples have used the VirtualBox storage driver as the sole measure of how to configure a libStorage service. However, it is possible to configure many services at the same time in order to provide access to multiple storage drivers of different types, or even different configurations of the same driver.

The following example demonstrates how to configure three libStorage services:

service driver
virtualbox-00 virtualbox
virtualbox-01 virtualbox
scaleio scaleio

Notice how the virtualbox-01 service includes an added integration section. The integration definition refers to the integration interface and parameters specific to incoming requests through this layer. In this case we defined with the integration.volume.create.default.size parameter set. This enables all create requests that come in through virtualbox-01 to have a default size of 1GB. So although it is technically the same platform below the covers, virtualbox-00 requests may have different default values than those defined in virtualbox-01.

        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-00
          controllerName: SATA
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-01
          controllerName: SATA
                size: 1 # GB
        driver: scaleio
          endpoint: https://gateway_ip/api
          insecure: true
          userName: username
          password: password
          systemName: tenantName
          protectionDomainName: protectionDomainName
          storagePoolName: storagePoolName

A very important point to make about the relationship between services and endpoints is that all configured services are available on all endpoints. In the future this may change, and libStorage may support endpoint-specific service definitions, but for now if a service is configured, it is accessible via any of the available endpoint addresses.

Between the three services above, clearly one major difference is that two services host one driver, VirtualBox, and the third service hosts ScaleIO. However, why two services for one driver, in this case, VirtualBox? Because, in addition to services being configured to host different types of drivers, services can also host different driver configurations. In service virtualbox-00, the volume path is $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-00, whereas for service virtualbox-01, the volume path is $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-01.


Sometimes it helps to see a little more, or maybe even a little less, information in the logs. Configuring logging is quite straight-forward:

    level: warn
      level: info
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA

The libStorage configuration shown above uses a global log level of warn, and a more verbose, info log level for just the server.

Advanced Configuration

The following sections detail every last aspect of how libStorage works and can be configured.

Embedded Configuration

If libStorage is embedded into another application, such as REX-Ray, then that application may manage its own configuration and supply the embedded libStorage instance directly with a configuration object. In this scenario, the libStorage configuration files are ignored in deference to the embedding application.

Data Directories

The first time libStorage is executed it will create several directories if they do not already exist:

The above directories will contain configuration files, logs, PID files, and mounted volumes. However, the location of these directories can also be influenced with the environment variable LIBSTORAGE_HOME. All of the above data directories will be placed in their same paths, but prefixed by the path specified via LIBSTORAGE_HOME, if LIBSTORAGE_HOME is in fact specified.

Configuration Methods

There are three ways to configure libStorage:

The order of the items above is also the order of precedence when considering options set in multiple locations that may override one another. Values set via CLI flags have the highest order of precedence, followed by values set by environment variables, followed, finally, by values set in configuration files.

Configuration Files

There are two libStorage configuration files - global and user:

Please note that while the user configuration file is located inside the user's home directory, this is the directory of the user that starts libStorage. And if libStorage is being started as a service, then sudo is likely being used, which means that $HOME/.libstorage/config.yml won't point to your home directory, but rather /root/.libstorage/config.yml.

Configuration Properties

The section Configuration Methods mentions there are three ways to configure libStorage: config files, environment variables, and the command line. However, this section will illuminate the relationship between the names of the configuration file properties, environment variables, and CLI flags.

Below is a simple configuration file that tells the libStorage client where the libStorage server is hosted:

  host: tcp://

The property is a string. This value can also be set via environment variables or the command line, but to do so requires knowing the names of the environment variables or CLI flags to use. Luckily those are very easy to figure out just by knowing the property names.

All properties that might appear in the libStorage configuration file fall under some type of heading. For example, take the default configuration above.

The rule for environment variables is as follows:

Nested properties follow these rules for CLI flags:

The following example builds on the previous. In this case we have added logging directives to the client instance and reference how their transformation in the table below the example.

    host: tcp://
      level: warn
      httpRequests: false
      httpResponses: false

The following table illustrates the transformations:

Property Name Environment Variable CLI Flag LIBSTORAGE_HOST --libstorageHost
libstorage.logging.level LIBSTORAGE_LOGGING_LEVEL --libstorageLoggingLevel
libstorage.logging.stdout LIBSTORAGE_LOGGING_STDOUT --libstorageLoggingStdout
libstorage.logging.stderr LIBSTORAGE_LOGGING_STDERR --libstorageLoggingStderr
libstorage.logging.httpRequests LIBSTORAGE_LOGGING_HTTPREQUESTS --libstorageLoggingHttpRequests
libstorage.logging.httpResponses LIBSTORAGE_LOGGING_HTTPRESPONSES --libstorageLoggingHttpResponses

Inherited Properties

Referring to the section on defining Multiple Services, there is also another way to define the TLS settings for the external TCP endpoint. The same configuration can be rewritten and simplified in the process:

          size: 1 # GB
      tls:            false
      controllerName: SATA
        driver: virtualbox
          volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-00
        driver: virtualbox
          volumePath: $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes-01

The above example may look different than the previous one, but it's actually the same with a minor tweak in order to simplify configuration.

While there are still two VirtualBox services defined, virtualbox-00 and virtualbox-01, neither service contains configuration information about the VirtualBox driver other than the volumePath property. This is because the change affected above is to take advantage of inherited properties.

When a property is omitted, libStorage traverses the configuration instance upwards, checking certain, predefined levels known as "scopes" to see if the property value exists there. All configured services represent a valid configuration scope as does libstorage.server.

Thus when the VirtualBox driver is initialized and it checks for its properties, while the driver may only find the volumePath property defined under the configured service scope, the property access attempt travels up the configuration stack until it hits the libstorage.server scope where the remainder of the VirtualBox driver's properties are defined.

Overriding Inherited Properties

It's also possible to override inherited properties as is demonstrated in the Logging configuration example above:

    level: warn
          size: 1 # GB
      level: info
        driver: virtualbox
          tls:            false
          volumePath:     $HOME/VirtualBox/Volumes
          controllerName: SATA

Note that while the log level is defined at the root of the config, it's also defined at libstorage.server.logging.level. The latter value of info overrides the former value of warn. Also please remember that even had the latter, server-specific value of info not been defined, an attempt by to access the log level by the server would be perfectly valid since the attempt would traverse up the configuration data until it found the log level defined at the root of the configuration.

Logging Configuration

The libStorage log level determines the level of verbosity emitted by the internal logger. The default level is warn, but there are three other levels as well:

Log Level Description
error Log only errors
warn Log errors and anything out of place
info Log errors, warnings, and workflow messages
debug Log everything

Driver Configuration

There are three types of drivers:

  1. OS Drivers
  2. Storage Drivers
  3. Integration Drivers

OS Drivers

Operating system (OS) drivers enable libStorage to manage storage on the underlying OS. Currently the following OS drivers are supported:

Driver Driver Name
Linux linux

The OS driver linux is automatically activated when libStorage is running on the Linux OS.

Storage Drivers

Storage drivers enable libStorage to communicate with direct-attached or remote storage systems. Currently the following storage drivers are supported:

Driver Driver Name
Isilon isilon
ScaleIO scaleio
VirtualBox virtualbox
..more coming

The property can be used to activate a storage drivers. That is not a typo; the libstorage key is repeated beneath libstorage.server. This is because configuration property paths are absolute, and when nested under an architectural component, such as libstorage.server, the entire key path must be replicated.

That said, and this may seem to contradict the last point, the storage driver property is valid only on the server. Well, not really. Internally the libStorage client uses the same configuration property to denote its own storage driver. This internal storage driver is actually how the libStorage client communicates with the libStorage server.

Integration Drivers

Integration drivers enable libStorage to integrate with schedulers and other storage consumers, such as Docker or Mesos. Currently the following integration drivers are supported:

Driver Driver Name
Docker docker

The integration driver docker provides necessary functionality to enable most consuming platforms to work with storage volumes.

Volume Configuration

This section describes various global configuration options related to an integration driver's volume operations, such as mounting and unmounting volumes.

Volume Properties

The properties listed below are the global properties valid for an integration driver's volume-related properties.

parameter description
libstorage.integration.volume.mount.preempt Forcefully take control of volumes when requested
libstorage.integration.volume.mount.path The default host path for mounting volumes
libstorage.integration.volume.mount.rootPath The path within the volume to return to the integrator (ex. /data)
libstorage.integration.volume.create.disable Disable the ability for a volume to be created
libstorage.integration.volume.remove.disable Disable the ability for a volume to be removed

The properties in the next table are the configurable parameters that affect the default values for volume creation requests.

parameter description
libstorage.integration.volume.create.default.size Size in GB
libstorage.integration.volume.create.default.iops IOPS
libstorage.integration.volume.create.default.type Type of Volume or Storage Pool
libstorage.integration.volume.create.default.fsType Type of filesystem for new volumes (ext4/xfs)
libstorage.integration.volume.create.default.availabilityZone Extensible parameter per storage driver

Disable Create

The disable create feature enables you to disallow any volume creation activity. Any requests will be returned in a successful manner, but the create will not get passed to the backend storage platform.

        disable: true

Disable Remove

The disable remove feature enables you to disallow any volume removal activity. Any requests will be returned in a successful manner, but the remove will not get passed to the backend storage platform.

        disable: true


There is a capability to preemptively detach any existing attachments to other instances before attempting a mount. This will enable use cases for availability where another instance must be able to take control of a volume without the current owner instance being involved. The operation is considered equivalent to a power off of the existing instance for the device.

Example configuration file follows:

        preempt: true
Driver Supported
Isilon Not yet
ScaleIO Yes
VirtualBox Yes

Ignore Used Count

By default accounting takes place during operations that are performed on Mount, Unmount, and other operations. This only has impact when running as a service through the HTTP/JSON interface since the counts are persisted in memory. The purpose of respecting the Used Count is to ensure that a volume is not unmounted until the unmount requests have equaled the mount requests.

In the Docker use case if there are multiple containers sharing a volume on the same host, the the volume will not be unmounted until the last container is stopped.

The following setting should only be used if you wish to disable this functionality. This would make sense if the accounting is being done from higher layers and all unmount operations should proceed without control.

        ignoreUsedCount: true

Currently a reset of the service will cause the counts to be reset. This will cause issues if multiple containers are sharing a volume. If you are sharing volumes, it is recommended that you reset the service along with the accompanying container runtime (if this setting is false) to ensure they are synchronized.

Volume Path Disable Cache

In order to minimize the impact to return Path requests, a caching capability has been introduced by default. A List request will cause the returned volumes and paths to be evaluated and those with active mounts are recorded. Subsequent Path requests for volumes that have no recorded mounts will not result in active path lookups. Once the mount counter is initialized or a List operation occurs where a mount is recorded, the volume will be looked up for future Path operations.

        disableCache: true

Volume Root Path

When volumes are mounted there can be an additional path that is specified to be created and passed as the valid mount point. This is required for certain applications that do not want to place data from the root of a mount point.

The default is the /data path. If a value is set by linux.integration.volume.mount.rootPath, then the default will be overwritten.

        rootPath: /data